"No Holding Back FileMaker Blogging"


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FileMaker 20 Video Tutorials

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Meta-consulting is a service Database Pros offers to help other developers over programming hurdles via GoToMeeting. Email John Mark Osborne or call John Mark at (909) 393-4664 to find out more about this service.

Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Video Training

Quick Tip:

Cascading Delete
Self-join or Same-Table relationships are very useful (two table occurrences from the source table related to each other), but be careful! Don't ever turn on the option to allow deletion of related records! If you do, whenever you delete a parent record you may delete more than you want. What happens is that since your related records are also your parent records, deleting records can cascade out of control. I have seen the deletion of a single record cause the deletion of all records in all tables.

Create a FileMaker Calendar

Fun Stuff:

DevCon History
Here's a list of the FileMaker Developer Conferences* through 2020:
#  Year  Location
23  2020  Nashville, Tennessee**
23  2019  Orlando, Florida
23  2018  Grapevine, Texas
22  2017  Phoenix, Arizona
21  2016  Las Vegas, Nevada
20  2015  Las Vegas, Nevada
19  2014  San Antonio, Texas
18  2013  San Diego, California
17  2012  Miami Beach, Florida
16  2011  San Diego, California
15  2010  San Diego, California
14  2009  San Francisco, California
13  2008  Phoenix, Arizona
12  2007  Orlando, Florida
11  2006  Orlando, Florida
10  2005  Phoenix, Arizona
9  2004  Phoenix, Arizona
8  2003  Phoenix, Arizona
7  2002  Palm Desert, California
6  2001  Orlando, Florida
5  2000  Palm Desert, California
4  1999  San Diego, California
3  1998  Monterey, California
2  1997  San Jose, California
1  1996  Santa Clara, California
* Name changed to Claris Engage in 2020 to match renaming of FileMaker, Inc. to Claris.
**Due to the COVID-19 virus, this conference was changed to a virtual conference.

Create a Complete Contact Manager

RSS Feed
FileMaker Videos
Level: Intermediate
Version: FileMaker 16
Category: General
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
I normally don't like to directly advertise products and services on this blog but there is real FREE content here. What I'm going to do is provide inline videos from part one of my new FileMaker 16 three part video series. I'll discuss why the lessons are important and provide some insight as to how they fit into the whole of the videos series. Happy FileMaking!

FileMaker Videos

Square One
I'm a firm believer in the nuts and bolts approach to teaching. So many trainers use dozens of examples to demonstrate techniques but I prefer to start from scratch and create a single solution. If you're always starting with partially completed solutions, you don't understand the entire process of design. That's why I begin my video series with an overview of the end goal. It helps the student understand the lessons better when they can visualize the outcome.

Window Size
One of the first lessons I start with is window size. I ask the students, have you determined the minimum screen resolution for your audience? If not, interview your user base. Better yet, visit each computer at your company and write down the resolution. There's nothing worse than designing a solution that's too big to fit on some user's screens. They end up having to scroll in form view and that's an interface no-no. Then you have to retool every layout to match the smaller screen size and that's so tedious and time consuming. This video covers how to make objects move and grow to accommodate larger screen sizes and resolutions.

Students always ask how FileMaker determines where to put the one versus the many relationship indicators. It almost seems random. I then launch into my speech about how the ERD (Entity-Relationship Diagram) shows structural relationships while the FileMaker relationship graph does show structure but also includes relationships utilized for additional features such as filtered relationships, dashboards and reports, to name a few. This video shows how FileMaker determines where to place the crow's feet, further differentiating an ERD from the relationship graph.

Adaptive Scripting
Have you ever opened an adopted FileMaker solution and seen a billion scripts? While I might be exaggerating a bit, my point should be taken to heart. If every script is singular in it's solution, the Script Workspace quickly becomes cluttered, hard to manage and difficult to update. Dynamic scripting allows a single script to adapt to different layouts, portals, fields, files, records and any other object in FileMaker. This video demonstrates one method for adapting a warning message, in a delete portal row script, to match the current context.

Rolodex Find
This is one of my favorite lessons since it teaches the power of adaptive scripting in such a short period of time. Using script parameters, this technique transforms twenty-six scripts into one script using a feature most amateur FileMaker programmers don't even know exists. Not much else to say here. Sometimes one lesson can change the way you look at FileMaker.

While I do hope you purchase my videos after watching these samples, I think it's more important that each one of these sample videos helps you find at least one nugget of truth.

The Complete Contact Manager for FileMaker 16

John Mark Osborne

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